Life currently have been very very spiky for me
Its hard for people to understand, cause they are not me and like
DUH so they dun know. People may think that
Im selfish or jus being mean
But dun you think thats wht life is all about
You think only for yourself and only yourself ?
Im constantly LOSING and wht do i do ?
I jus sit there quietly in my dark lonely empty corner
Feeling all pathetic & jealous ?
Wau.. ironic much ?
It has been bugging me since dunnno when ?
I wish that it would stop but it keeps coming back over & over again.
Ya im a person get who jealous VERY VERY VERY easily !
Even over the slightest things.
Accept that ! Get used to it. But yet again im playing the good guy.
Keeping all in the hollow space of mine
Theres a saying written on me
"What's your is yours , to gain another to lose another, the wings of truth will set you soaring"