Flag day @ Amk but decided too head for J8 cause
there wasn't much people there.
So bused down to J8 & wooooo.... there was too many people
hahahha most of th time jus chilling away
Did not rally ask anyone too donate
Thn finally YRONNE & KANNAN
came down too support & accompany
TY TY you guys SO SO SO much !!
espically Yronne she filled almost my half of my tin !
She dontaed thrice & quite a sum too
Ty ah girl.!
Due too boreness
Your truly donated $$5for himself
After flag day bused down too play pool
but everyone was shag
Louis had learn a new word that day
hmmm hmmm here goes
the meaning of Shag is that people ar not in the mood too do thing
well mostly thats bout it.
Headed too vivo with a whole bunch of my classmates too watch
Race too witch mountain-awesome !
Christine & Sky came down looking for us
ty you 2 for coming down & my BFFF for showing i dun need them !
See there is 3 F in Bfff hahaha
In your fact BITCH !
see i have friends of my own
Dun need a friend like you !
But jus wanna ty everyone for coming down my &
Shoved her pride up her ASS !

Instead of "working"
Th 3 of us were cam-whoring & basically
Look at these 2 furture Bollywood stars
they have nothing better to do
Something big, nasty & gooweeeee is coming
But Christine look good in this pix
DAMN what am i saying??
I must be insane !
Horrible !
if you happen too see them please call
thank you vry much !
These criminal are lost but found & now lost again !
Overall had a great time with my friends true friends-somthing i wanna add on
Overall had a great time with my friends true friends-somthing i wanna add on
Ty again you guys for coming down
p/s: I hate my BFFF Christine Ng.