Okay i'm done with Tru calling
WOW lets hope theres more season too come
Eliza is SO SO HOT !
Currently on a Mighty Power Ranger Marathon
When i'm home i'm glad i got these too keep me accompany :)
Its Morphing TIME !
I'm also done with Vampire Knight season 1
Off too season 2
Hahha still got alot of anime too watch :)
Vampire Knight is rally a new anime too watch
You guys should watch it ^^
Done with Angel season 3 as well
Cannot wait for season 4 ;)
Too see wht happen too Angel
Its all the same the ending something happen & we have too watch
The next season too find out what happen ;(
Season 4 hurry call me !
Roswell, its like these Ailens that crashed on Roswell
Must hid from exposure. Mum bought all th season for me :)))
Hahha. So happy so no need too wait. Can watch all immediately.
Yst had too done a science experiment
All i can say is that i SUCK at it
People alway say 3rd time the charm
But in my case even 4th time.....
Okay back too my Roswell