Dun you wish you were a fly on the wall
Vivo thn town
hmmm did some cam-whore
i swear man Cherilynn has finally update
her blog !!!
headed too shop for th girls stuff
thn it was my turn too get my stuff
saw lot's of nice wallet okay !
Okay i shal save & buy thm all
maybe goin too revoltage too get some clothes
cause it looks good on me .. !
Wanted too catch a movie but in th end didn't (sad sad)
Did a face test wanna know what th result?
Let's see
-I'm dehydrated
-Normal skin -not oily not dry (that definately a shock !)
-Skin not so elastic
So yarr... i think that was all
the sales woman was too kind cause she gave us
free samples..
oh how i love free samples !!

Hope this group shall last baby ! LAST !
Went too watch Th Wedding Game wif dad
hmmm all i can say it was quite nice
so yar you guys should go & watched it..
Don't ya don't ya
Don't ya don't ya