Hey People isn't she th hottest thing
you have ever see in the world?
This i present you
Selena Gomez
Th girl i wannna marry whn i grow up !
Went too a whole new doctor too see my face
Cost sightly more thn th previous one.
Bought quite a few stuff at Wisma too..
Damn hapy okay ..
Haven been shopping for a long long time !
Ty Mummy
Ty Daddy for my face & clothings
Love yarr all...
You have changed man
Seriously ! ever since you ....
i'm not th only one agreeing too it
others too feel th same way i felt
Have you forgotten what you told us
Well i guess you have
anyway i'm glad your not th only friend i got
Really people i SWEAR too you
i dun ned friends from my class or in my school
as a matter of fact
as long i know who are my one & only true friend
that will definately be enough for me .
Remember this people
never ever be friends
wif your classmate they will
stab you in th ass
if you let your guard down