you think what being a COPYCAT
very fun isit?
Have you ever heard this word
Well i guess not since your COPYING me !!!!!!
Well i expected much,especially coming from you
No shocker there that's for sure
Copycat kiss th rat
go home let your mother slap !!!!!
You cn copy anyone as much as you wan
i dun get a SHIT !
But DUN i REPEAT !!!
DUN COPY me that's when you cross th line
LIM BEI now FUCKING PISS off !!!!!
But it's okay i'll let you go this time
as they say
'Copying is th best flattery'
So yar .... takecare
Bitch !
anw i'm shall now post happy photos
too calm myself down ..
p/s Yronne i'm sorry about Roseybelle
i know she knows that you love her & sh
have gone in peace
So cheer up yar? ..