Sprinter all around my leg
th way i walk now is like a lame person
it hurts like hell okay !!
Ugh !
but it was fun playing
Christine Ng got too call me too play again kay?
Photos will be posted
of yst outing
once i get them from tiff that is
ty tiff for bringing your cam man !
without it i wonder how our photoshoot will be complete.
Btw jus found out that th movie
Hotel For Dogs?
Emma Roberts is actualy staring in it
Oh gosh ..!
She is so so so FREAKING HOT !

Dun you think she looks way hotter in blonde?
ohhhh..... Damn it i so wish i'm in Jake T Austin shoes
1st he gets too star wif Selena Gomez in
Wizard Of Waverly Place.

Look Jake T Austin wif Selena Gomez.
Oh gosh he is so so lucky i tell you
Now he gets too act wif Emma Roberts
Oh man he is one lucky kid

Dun you think Selena & Emma are
a gift from heaven?
Well too me it is.
Okay goin too meet Cherilynn, Tiffany & Warrent
Take care people...
p/s Baby dun sad sad kay?